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S is for Sutil and Sustainability...

News Winery Focus


Sutil Grand Rerserve - new look for 2017
It’s an exciting time when a winery re-launches their branding, but when it’s design for designs sake it can sometimes be difficult to get much momentum behind it. So, when Sutil Family Wines embarked on a yearlong re-branding exercise we knew it was going to be different and we waited with anticipation for news of its release. And not without reason. The new look is a refreshing contemporary take on Chilean design (by the acclaimed Chilean agency ‘YG’) and by hero’ing the S of the Sutil name it is also an expression of the winery’s story and the patriarch behind the brand: Juan Sutil.

Juan Sutil, the founder and president of Sutil Family Wines, is more than a winery owner and widely considered as a visionary entrepreneur for his contribution to sustainable practices in Chile. The winery now has its Sustainable Certification and Juan Sutil was named Businessman of the Year by ICARE. He was applauded for his “water highway” proposal that will transport water from southern Chile, which has excellent resources, to other Chilean zones that have an irrigational deficit. The system will provide water irrigation to nearly 1,000,000 hectares of land over an extension of more than 2,000 kilometers throughout the country for the next 18 years.

We wonder if the S in the new labels is symbolic of their commitment to Sustainability as much as it is a tribute to the Sutil family name.

The new labels will arrive in the UK shortly.

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