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Steps Towards Sustainability

Insights LIWF


Making moves into sustainable viticulture may have seemed a bit whacky just a few years ago but the pace at which attitudes have changed towards the practice is now on a par with the understanding and support that the wine industry must, and is, placing on this attribute.

It is now less common than not to find a wine producing country that doesn’t have its own certification policy for wineries to sign up to, although the acronyms and variety of names developed doesn’t help any existing confusion around the subject. Château Barbebelle are certified ‘Agriculture Raisonée’, Oak Valley are IPW certified (Integrated Production of Wine), Hahn Family Wines are SIP certified (Sustainability In Practice)… the list goes on. 

For some, the intention to work sustainably is there while the cost is too high in money and time to become officially accredited. For these reasons many wineries we work with choose to follow the principles of their country’s sustainability policy and are ‘sustainably farmed’ even if they do not have a certificate to prove it.

Of all the wineries we’re presenting at the LWF this year (on D36) around half of them are either certified, farming sustainably or working towards their official certification, look out for them on our stand:

Château Barbebelle, Coteaux d’Aix en Provence, France
Domaine de la Pigeade, Beaumes de Venise, France
Quinta de Cottas, Douro, Portugal
Abadia de Acon, Ribera del Deuro, Spain
Hahn Family Wines, Santa Lucia Highlands, California
Cycles Gladiator, California, USA
Portlandia, Orgeon, USA
Siete Fincas, Mendoza, Argentina
Vina Sutil, Colchagua, Chile 
Oak Valley, Elgin, South Africa

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